Online Eucharist? No Parodies Allowed!
The Word became flesh to share table with us. The Lord rose from death to rejoin us at his table. Eating and drinking with Jesus
The Word became flesh to share table with us. The Lord rose from death to rejoin us at his table. Eating and drinking with Jesus
Is another gospel spreading among our youth? That is the conclusion one must reach in light of the research that C. Smith and his partners
For a couple of decades, Christian scholars have invested a lot of energy in the examination of worldviews — without doubt, a worthy endeavor that
Who could fail to notice the rise of the New Atheism? The movement burst onto the scene in 2006 and 2007, with high profile blockbusters
Perhaps the most important thing I want my students to recognize about Christian theology is that it matters for Christian life, but we frequently bump
My first book, Political Evangelism, written back in the early 1970s, was a plea for evangelical Christians to get involved in public life. Folks who
At 12:00 noon on Tuesday, January 20, 2009, the United States inaugurated its first African American as president with great pomp, circumstance, and hope. Those
Numerous scholars have explored Wesleyan contributions to social reform and justice concerns, noting the complex history and multiple trajectories (cf., e.g., D. Dayton, R. Heitzenrater,
Is Christian apologetics a defensive activity? A few years ago I helped to update J. Young’s classic Christian paperback The Case against Christ (Hodder, 2006)
If you are at all conversant with the goings on in the contemporary church, you have probably heard the term “emerging church.” It has become