Building an Old Testament Library: Hosea-Malachi
This contribution to the series on building a biblical library begins with suggestions on books that are helpful for honing one’s hermeneutic for studying the
This contribution to the series on building a biblical library begins with suggestions on books that are helpful for honing one’s hermeneutic for studying the
Biblical interpreters have been blessed with a number of excellent recent commentaries on Psalms. Many of these deal extensively with theological and literary issues. Ellen
In recent years, the awareness of the scholarly community regarding the theology, Bible, and disability has grown significantly. More than ever, scholars in seminaries and
1 and 2 Samuel stand apart as a sublime expression of narrative artistry, an account of the turbulent transition from tribal society to kingdom, and
The years since this survey last appeared have seen important additions to the list, several new series (one, exclusively digital), and increasing interest in helping
A Picture of the Movement I’d like you to imagine a vast river that flows through the desert bringing life wherever it goes. This is
Building one’s library is an essential aspect of any youth worker’s job. In this resource essay, we will explore several of what I think are
The Gospels and Paul’s letters rightly deserve the vast attention paid to them, yet the final third of the NT has its own truth to
Although older, two of the most valuable commentaries on Philippians are Gordon Fee (New International Commentary on the New Testament [NICNT]; Eerdmans, 1995) and Markus
It is fair to say that more commentaries are published on the letters of Paul from Romans through Ephesians than most other biblical books. This