Catalyst Publications
Publications by Category
While many yearn for religious revival of some sort, revivals and revivalism have their critics. Nonetheless, the fact is that revival and revivalism have been important in many persons’ lives. They have also factored significantly in the h…
The Christian tradition has not been a hotbed of democratic ferment. For most of its existence, Christianity has found itself the subject of pagan or other non-Christian rulers or has served to legitimate Christian monarchies. Dissent from …
Evangelism has gotten a bad name over the last few years. For more reasons that we have time to go into in this article, “The ‘E’ Word” is a problem for many people in some parts of the world. Recent polls show that younger generations of C…
For some preachers and congregations, storytelling is the essence of preaching. A good preacher is a good storyteller, first and foremost, and if in fact there is more to good preaching than storytelling, there certainly is not less. Fred C…
The place to acquire a reputable knowledge and collection of works in Christian Ethics should not begin with Christian Ethics. Background work should be done first. As a relatively recent academic discipline, Christian Ethics brings togethe…
[Note: My students all gave me permission to be named in this piece. In fact, they all asked to be named.]
My students and I sat in our sleeping bags facing one another in the dark, the twinkle lights we had found our first night on the …
God is doing a mighty work right before our eyes! The revival currently taking place at Asbury University, Lee University, and other places throughout the US seems, to many people, to have come out of the blue. And yet, this time of spiritu…
In his letter to the church at Corinth, Paul used the analogy of the human body to describe the interdependence of the church of Jesus Christ. Paul’s motivation was so that the Corinthian church understood that certain spiritual gifts shoul…
Human change has been a focal point of contemplation—indeed, an intellectual puzzle—for much of Western history. Consider my revision of an ancient riddle known as “The Ship of Theseus.” Imagine a ship. It’s a wooden ship. For fun, we’ll ma…
What happens when women lead? What really happens — relationally, psychologically, personally, spiritually? What barriers do women leaders face, and what strategies will equip them to lead past those barriers so they can lead effectively? W…
A few years ago, in a town not too far away, there was a traffic accident involving a car and a motorcycle. The person driving the car was unhurt and was able to walk away from the accident. However, the motorcyclist was trapped under the c…
In the latter half of the third century CE, the early church had been free of persecution and had not only grown in numbers but had become largely accepted as part of Roman society. So, as Alan Kreider has said, renewed persecution from 303…
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Announcing that 2025 John Wesley Fellowship Scholarship Applications are now being accepted. Please see the at…
Congratulations Rev. Dr. Joy Moore for being selected as the next President of Northern Seminary in Chicago.&n…
Prepare yourself for a gathering John Wesley Fellows and Friends of AFTE to celebrate the Wesleyan reception o…
JWF and friends of AFTE, we look forward to you joining us Thursday-Sunday, December 12-15, 2024, for the AFTE…
"The John Wesley Fellowship provides not only financial support, it is an extraordinary community of Christian scholars — and friends."
Laceye Warner- Assoc Dean and Professor at Duke Divinity School